The Rotary E-Club of Tampa South, Inc. Rotary International Clu P.O. Box 3704, Riverview, Florida 33468-3704
District 6890
Chartered June 01, 2022
A Rotary Club for all people with a special emphasis on membership from our military, both active and retired, First Responders, Police, Fire Fighters, and spouses, all becoming special Rotarians who want to join together to make the world a better place, both in our local communities and across the globe.
We meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays every month at 7 pm on Zoom. The Board of Directors meets every 2nd Monday of each month, also on Zoom. We hold Face to Face meetings one each quarter. Dates and locations to be announced in advance of each Face to Face meeting.
November, 2023
0 Member Birthdays in November
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